Parents are children's first and most important teachers. Early Childhood Family Education provides opportunities for parents and young children to grow and learn together in a safe and supportive atmosphere. Come join us for parent-child sessions and special family events!
Our Goals:
-To support parents in their efforts in raising children
-To offer child development information and to share parenting techniques
-To promote the positive self esteem of parents and children
-To supplement discovery and learning experiences of children
-To provide information for families on resources which are available
CLICK HERE to see a list of Parent/Child classes and special events.
CLICK HERE for a list of useful and fun educational websites for you and your kids.

-CENSUS Makes A Difference! Please help us keep our census up to date! Please contact us at 507-789-7016 if you have recently:
*Had a baby
*Have an infant/toddler/ preschooler and have recently moved into the district
*Changed addresses
Add your child(ren) to the District Census by entering your information here:
Add me to the Birth to 4 Census
-New Families Welcome Tour: (for families with children ages 0-5) Calling all parents! You and your young children are invited to see our Early Childhood Family Education classrooms, meet staff and other young families. Contact Terra Haugen to see what our programs are all about!
-Have a New Baby? Contact Terra Haugen for a new baby gift including a discount on an ECFE class!
-New for Daycare Providers! Have an ECFE teacher visit your daycare once per month with a fun circle time, stories, songs and art as well as resources for the provider and parent! Contact Terra Haugen with questions or to arrange.
Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs)
The Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs) are Minnesota's early learning standards.