It is great to have your children at Kenyon-Wanamingo Schools. K-W Schools partners with the Taher food service company to bring your children delicious and nutritious meals every day.
If you need to call food service regarding your child's account, please call 507-789-7025 in the Middle School/ High School or 507-789-7029 for Elementary. We answer calls and check messages from 7:00am to 10:30 am. Between 10:30am and 12:30pm, any message left will not be received until AFTER lunch is served. We will answer calls and check messages again after 12:00pm.
CLICK HERE to see the most current lunch menus.
Contact: [email protected]
School Lunch Fees for 2023-2024
Elementary (K-4) $3.00
MS/HS (5-12) $3.15
Breakfast $2.00
Milk $ .80
One breakfast and one lunch will be free for every student. Extra meals, beverages or ala carte items will be charged to a student's lunch account.