Kindergarten Round-Up



Please call Cyndi in the K-W Elementary School Office at 507-824-2211 or email at [email protected]  with questions. 

Your child will need to have an Early Childhood Screening before starting Kindergarten.  This is a free service that takes place several times throughout the school year. Contact Terra Haugen, Early Childhood Coordinator/Preschool Teacher, to set up an appointment at [email protected] or 507-789-7016.  If you have more questions on Early Childhood Screening, click this link to the Minnesota Department of Education at Early Childhood Screening ( 

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Kindergarten Round-Up Forms: 

Registration Form

Immunization Form

Home Language Survey

Health Information Form

Health Information for Kindergarten Families


For health questions, contact Sarah Christensen, School Nurse

Email: [email protected]  

Phone: Kenyon-507-789-7011, Wanamingo-507-824-2211 Ext. 2225


Forms and information available in Spanish by contacting elementary office at 507-824-2211, Option 1 for elementary school then Option 2 for the elementary secretary or by emailing [email protected]. 

